EORN Strategic Plan 2024-2028

EORN’s vision for the future is a blueprint for equity, vibrancy, and sustainable development in eastern Ontario. It is committed to fostering regional growth through innovative services, enhanced connectivity, and strategic investments. EORN aims to operate efficiently, sustainably, and dynamically to ensure results for communities and stakeholders, while raising awareness of its role in driving productivity and establishing best practices which are rooted in partnership and evidence-based solutions.

Download the full EORN Strategic Plan 2024-2028 here.

EORN Values

Strategic Priority One

Expand our impact through value-added services that support regional growth

Our strategies for achieving this:

  • Achieve the goals and objectives of the Cell Gap Project on time and on budget.
  • Identify and enable significant regional initiatives that address market failures, leverage opportunities that provide economies of scale and strengthen the respective region.
  • Identify and provide services that address municipalities’ operational needs and meet EORN’s strategic direction.
  • Introduce and advance the use of emerging technologies through education and support to create efficiencies for stakeholders.

Download the full EORN Strategic Plan 2024-2028 here.

Strategic Priority Two

Foster a sustainable, efficient and dynamic organization that delivers results

Our strategies for achieving this:

  • Maintain staff capacity on current contractual obligations and enhance EORN’s staff capacity and skill set for growth.
  • Maintain and invest in a skilled stable core team to deliver on strategic goals.
  • Enhance our organizational capacity, structure, and systems to address growth to deliver on new services.
  • Examine funding model options and establish a financial plan that ensures long-term sustainability.

Download the full EORN Strategic Plan 2024-2028 here.

Strategic Priority Three

Raise awareness of EORN and its impact on the region
Our strategies for achieving this:

  • Develop and implement a marketing and communications strategy and plan that supports EORN’s strategic priorities.
  • Champion and advocate to create opportunities and enable positive transformation for eastern Ontario aligned to EORN’s priorities.

Download the full EORN Strategic Plan 2024-2028 here.